The validity of the CE marking is restricted to only those
countries where it is legally enforced, mainly in the
countries EEA (European Economic Area).
To ca n ce l t h e st o re d st a t io n
ꢊꢁꢟꢄꢠꢃꢄ ¯ꢡ ꢍꢥꢒꢤꢢꢄ ꢍꢎꢢꢄ ꢩꢈ;ꢃ0
Pre p a ra t io n s
To In se rt Ba t t e rie s A
Follow the procedure above and in step 3, press and
hold TUNING +/ – until “- - - -” is displayed and
select the preset number you want to cancel using
PRESET +/ –. Press ENTER while “- - - -” is flashing.
TUNING +/ – *?ꢅꢈ, ¯8ꢄꢐꢆ ,3 $ꢓ1uꢆ ꢛꢘꢝ EꢏG0 $*ꢓXgCꢆ ꢍꢁꢊꢉꢋꢅꢆ IDꢌꢆ
>D(Cꢆ "DJꢅꢆ @ꢔ* *ꢈꢁꢄ6ꢈ, @ꢔꢝ ”- - - -” ꢍꢎꢏꢋꢅꢆ O¯G @ꢄ/ ꢙ0 `ꢅꢆ ꢈfꢓꢂJꢎ
<ꢈ2^0 ENTER *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ -PRESET +/ – *?ꢅꢆ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢈ, E<ꢈꢂꢅT %ꢆ¯Cꢆ
-”- - - -” ꢍꢎꢏꢋꢅꢆ Kꢁꢎꢝ
ꢈꢁꢒꢓꢒꢈꢔ ꢍꢎꢕꢖ ꢈꢗꢁꢘ ꢙꢓꢚꢌ ꢛꢄꢅꢆ ꢜꢝꢞꢅꢆ !ꢊꢄꢅ "#ꢘ $%ꢝꢞ&ꢎ CE ꢍꢎꢏꢋꢅꢆ ꢍꢁꢐꢏꢑ
Ra d io
-.ꢍ/%ꢈ+ꢄꢔꢖꢆ ꢈ,*ꢝ0 ꢍ#12ꢎ3 EEA ꢜꢝꢞꢅꢆ ꢛꢘ ꢍꢁ(ꢁ)* $*ꢓ+,ꢝ
ꢍꢛꢌꢈꢎ-ꢃꢄ .ꢈ/ꢚ0
Ca sse t t e Pla ye r
1 Slide open the battery compartment lid,
and insert two R6 (size AA) dry batteries
with correct polarity.
4ꢎ 5ꢄ/*ꢈ1, ꢀ6%0ꢝ ï&ꢄ8ꢅ ¯ꢁ:ꢈꢚꢅꢆ ꢍ;ꢘꢈꢐ <ꢈ1= >ꢁꢅ?ꢄ, @ꢔ
-ꢍ&ꢁ&+ꢅꢆ ꢍꢁD1#ꢅꢆ EꢈFꢆ $ꢈGꢆ¯ꢎ Iꢎ .AA Bꢈ#Cꢆ3 R6 ꢍA8ꢅꢆ
Pla yin g t h e p re se t ra d io st a t io n s
ꢊꢁꢟꢄꢠꢃꢄ ¯ꢡ ꢍꢥꢒꢤꢢꢄ ꢕꢈꢎꢢꢄ %ꢃꢄ 4ꢈ5ꢘ67ꢄ
Operating Instructions
ꢍꢐꢓꢅ ꢛꢘ
<ꢓJꢅꢆ Kꢁꢎꢝ ꢞ2G $ꢞ/ꢞL M¯6N, ꢇꢈ/*ꢈ1Dꢅꢆ ꢜꢆꢞDꢄ:ꢈ, @ꢔ
1 Press FM or AM.
-AM ꢝ0 FM *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
Replace the batteries with new ones when "
flashes in the display.
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆ ꢇꢈꢉꢁꢊꢋꢌ
2 Press PRESET +/ – to select the stations that
Rꢈꢉꢄ:ꢖꢆ %ꢆ¯Cꢆ ꢇꢈ1dꢆ *ꢈꢁꢄ6ꢖ PRESET +/ – *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
you want to play.
ꢍ1ꢁ23ꢃ 4ꢈ5ꢘ67ꢄ
Pla yin g a Ta p e
Usin g Ot h e r Fu n ct io n s
Lo ckin g t h e co n t ro ls
Set the HOLD switch in the direction of the G mark
to lock the controls.
The HOLD function only locks the radio operation
buttons and MEGA BASS.
“WALKMAN” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
ꢗꢁ/9ꢄ ꢪꢦꢈꢥꢒꢃꢄ .ꢈ5ꢫꢘ6ꢄ
-¯ꢁ:ꢈꢚꢅꢆ ꢀ6%0
1 Insert a cassette. B
is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
-NPLAY *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
-VOLUME Q¯#ꢅꢆ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢈ, ꢇꢓ+ꢅꢆ Mꢓꢄ(ꢎ "DPꢆ
ꢬꢭCꢘꢃꢄ ꢞ!ꢓꢈꢤꢆ Bꢆꢮꢓ
2 Press NPLAY.
¯ꢁꢌꢈ8ꢎ 5ꢎNꢄꢅ
ꢍꢎꢏꢋꢅꢈ, ïꢁꢅꢆ *ꢈꢃCꢆ EꢈFꢖꢆ `ꢊG HOLD bꢈꢄ8Cꢆ "DPꢆ
Adjust the volume with VOLUME.
MEGA BASS *?ꢅꢆꢝ ꢓ/%ꢆ¯ꢅꢆ ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢌ *ꢆ*ꢕ0 5ꢎNꢄ, HOLD ꢍ8ꢁaꢓꢅꢆ xꢓ#ꢌ
xSTOP *?ꢅꢆ
Rꢈꢉꢄ:ꢖꢆ Sꢈ#/T
Stop playback
Wind rapidly*
Em p h a sizin g b a ss so u n d
“MEGA BASS” appears in the display.
mREW ꢝ0 MFF *?ꢅꢆ
*ꢍG¯(, "/¯ꢃꢅꢆ ¯ꢅ
ꢕꢄꢚꢚꢁꢘꢃꢄ ꢍ+ꢤꢯD(ꢄ ꢕꢒꢖꢃꢄ ꢍꢂ-1 )ꢛ)ꢫꢓ
-MEGA BASS *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
Sony Corporation ©2002 Printed in China
* If you leave the unit after the tape has been wound or
rewound, the battery will be consumed rapidly. Be
sure to press xSTOP.
@ꢄ/ ,ï8ꢅ $%ꢈGT ꢝ0 "/¯ꢃꢅꢆ ¯ꢅ ꢍꢁꢊꢉG 4ꢎ <ꢈꢗꢄꢒꢖꢆ ꢞꢋ, ꢓW ꢈꢉX ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ ¯X¯ꢌ ꢆZT
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢌ Sꢈ#/] xSTOP *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂP 4ꢎ ꢞXNꢌ -ꢍG¯(, ꢍ/*ꢈ1Dꢅꢆ ꢍ2&[ \ꢏꢗꢄ:ꢆ
-O¯ꢋꢅꢆ ꢍꢐꢓꢅ `ꢊG ”MEGA BASS” ¯[vCꢆ ¯ꢗ;/
• If the sound is distorted when MEGA BASS is
activated, turn down the volume of the main unit or
press MEGA BASS again to turn off the MEGA BASS
• Bass emphasis may not show great effect if the volume
is turned up too high.
ꢍJ8y2Cꢆ ꢇꢓ+ꢅꢆ ꢍ#Df ?/?ꢋꢌ ꢍ8ꢁaꢝ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢆ ꢞ2G ꢇꢓ+ꢅꢆ ï/ꢓꢃꢌ z ꢆZT
• Do not open the cassette holder while the tape is
ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢈ, ꢇꢓ+ꢅꢆ Mꢓꢄ(ꢎ ꢀꢁꢊ#ꢄ, @ꢔ ,MEGA BASS ꢇꢆ%%¯ꢄꢅꢆ
MEGA ꢍ8ꢁaꢓꢅꢆ Sꢈ#/] ꢍꢁꢒꢈ^ $¯ꢎ MEGA BASS *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ ꢝ0
-"/¯ꢃꢅꢆ ¯ꢁ: <ꢈ2^0 ¯ꢁ:ꢈꢚꢅꢆ ꢍ;ꢘꢈꢐ ¯ꢄꢘ `ꢅꢆ ꢞꢉꢋꢌ ꢖ
ꢈꢗꢌꢆ¯^vꢎ ¯ꢘꢓꢌ ꢙ0 ꢇꢆ%%¯ꢄꢅꢆ ꢍJ8y2Cꢆ ꢇꢓ+ꢅꢆ ꢍ#Df ?/?ꢋꢌ ꢍ8ꢁaꢓꢅ 4ꢚp ꢖ
ꢒꢛꢚꢄꢁꢃꢄ %ꢃꢄ 4ꢈ5ꢘ67ꢄ
List e n in g t o t h e Ra d io
-ꢆꢞL ꢇꢓ+ꢅꢆ Mꢓꢄ(ꢎ $%ꢈ/ꢕ ꢞ2G ¯ꢁDX ꢞꢐ `ꢅꢆ
Pro t e ct in g yo u r h e a rin g — AVLS
(Au t o m a t ic Vo lu m e Lim it e r Syst e m )
Set AVLS to LIMIT. The maximum volume is kept
down to protect your ears.
>ꢁꢅ?ꢄ, @ꢔ ,ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆ IPꢝ ꢛꢘ HOLD 5ꢎNꢄꢅꢆ ꢍ8ꢁaꢝ ¯ꢒꢈX ꢆZT
5ꢎNꢌ !8ꢅ @ꢗ(ꢅꢈ, ïꢁꢅꢆ *ꢈꢃCꢆ EꢈFꢖꢆ cꢚꢋ, HOLD bꢈꢄ8Cꢆ
-@ꢚ&ꢄꢅꢆ ¯ꢁꢌꢈ8ꢎ
1 If the HOLD function is turned on, slide the
HOLD switch in the opposite direction of
the arrow to unlock the controls.
ꢕꢒꢖ&ꢃ ꢗꢒꢘꢙꢆ %&'ꢲ ꢐ!!ꢂꢓ ꢳꢈ<ꢏꢴ AVLS– ꢰ!ꢏꢱꢲ ꢍꢛꢈ5=
AA (R6) x 2
Mꢓꢄ(ꢎ `ꢊG0 Kꢁ8yꢌ @ꢄ/ -LIMIT IPꢓCꢆ `ꢊG AVLS *?ꢅꢆ "DPꢆ
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢝ ꢍ,ꢓ=¯Cꢆ ꢍLꢓCꢆ *ꢈꢁꢄ6ꢖ AM ꢝ0 FM *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
2 Press FM or AM to select the desired band
-!ꢁꢒZ0 ꢍ/ꢈꢉ{ ꢇꢓ+ꢊꢅ
and to turn on the radio.
Pre ca u t io n s
On b a t t e rie s
3 Press TUNING +/ – to tune in to the desired
-ꢍ,ꢓ=¯Cꢆ ꢍ1dꢆ `ꢊG ꢍ8ꢅꢆꢓꢉꢊꢅ TUNING +/ – *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
ꢍ!1ꢈ!ꢘ=ꢄ ꢕꢈ#!-Dꢓ
$ꢞC ꢈfꢓꢂJꢎ TUNING +/ – *?ꢅꢈ, eꢈ8ꢄꢐꢖꢈ, ¯ꢉꢔ ꢆZT
4G ¯ꢔꢓꢄ/ꢝ ꢇꢈ1dꢆ Rꢏ1ꢄ:ꢆ ꢛꢘ ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ ꢆgW 0ꢞD/ ,ꢙꢆꢓ^ IJ,
`ꢊG ꢍ8ꢅꢆꢓCꢆ ꢈꢗꢁꢘ @ꢄꢌ $¯ꢎ ꢀꢚꢅ ꢙꢆꢓ^ h $ꢞC Rꢏ1ꢄ:ꢖꢆ ꢍꢁꢊꢉG
*?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ ,iꢓ=¯Cꢆ %%¯ꢄꢅꢆ @ꢔ* *ꢓꢗa ꢞ2G -ꢍ1dꢆ
-Rꢏ1ꢄ:ꢖꢆ ꢍꢁꢊꢉG Sꢈ#/] TUNING +/ –
• Do not carry dry batteries with coins or other metallic objects.
It can generate heat if the positive and negative terminals of the
batteries are accidentally contacted by a metallic object.
• When you are not going to use your Walkman for a long time,
remove the batteries to prevent damage from battery leakage
and corrosion.
If you hold down TUNING +/ – for a few
seconds, the Walkman starts scanning for
stations and stops for 3 seconds each time a
station is tuned. When the desired
frequency digits appear, press TUNING +/
– to stop.
ꢕꢈꢛꢌꢈꢎ-ꢃꢄ .ꢒ=
ꢍꢁꢒꢞꢋCꢆ xꢈ(Ljꢆ ꢝ0 ꢍꢁꢒꢞꢋCꢆ ꢞ#2ꢅꢆ I1ꢔ Iꢎ 4&ꢃꢊꢅ ꢍꢊ,ꢈ#ꢅꢆ ꢝ0 ꢍ/%ꢈꢋꢅꢆ ꢇꢈ/*ꢈ1Dꢅꢆ ꢀꢉ| ꢖ
ꢛꢘ ꢍDꢅꢈ(ꢅꢆꢝ ꢍDLꢓCꢆ ꢀꢁꢑꢓꢄꢅꢆ Sꢆ¯f0 ¯(ꢎꢖ ꢆZT $*ꢆ¯ꢐ ꢞꢅꢓ/ ꢙ0 !ꢅgꢅ 4ꢚp -M¯6jꢆ
-N1uꢆ ꢍ#/¯1, ꢈꢁꢒꢞꢋꢎ ꢈꢉ(L ꢍ/*ꢈ1Dꢅꢆ
¯ꢊꢌ }0 }%ꢈ8ꢄꢅ ꢇꢈ/*ꢈ1Dꢅꢆ R?ꢒꢆ ,ꢍꢊ/ꢓf ꢍꢁ2ꢎꢕ $¯ꢄ8ꢅ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢆ ꢙꢝ% ꢀ;ꢁ: ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ ꢆgW ꢙꢈX ꢆZT
-ï2G ~[ꢈ2ꢅꢆ ꢛAꢌꢈꢁꢉꢁꢚꢅꢆ ꢀXꢄꢅꢆꢝ ꢇꢈ/*ꢈ1Dꢅꢆ ꢀ)ꢈ: i¯(ꢌ 4G €ꢈꢒ
On h a n d lin g
• Do not leave the unit in a location near heat sources, or in a
place subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust or sand,
moisture, rain, mechanical shock, or in a car with its windows
ꢒꢛꢚꢄꢁꢃꢄ 8!;?ꢓ @ꢈꢂꢛ0
-OFF *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
ꢋꢈ#$ꢄ .ꢧꢈDꢓ .ꢒ=
To t u rn o ff t h e ra d io
Press OFF.
cꢉꢃꢅꢆ <ꢓJꢅ O¯ꢋꢎ ꢙꢈꢚꢎ ꢛꢘ ꢝ0 $*ꢆ¯{ꢆ *%ꢈ+ꢎ 4ꢎ ¯/¯ꢔ ꢙꢈꢚꢎ ꢛꢘ ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ \¯ꢄꢌ ꢖ
• We do not recommend the use of tape longer than 90 minutes.
They are very thin and tend to be stretched easily. This may
cause malfunction of the unit or sound deterioration.
• The LCD display may become hard to see or slow down when
using the unit at high temperatures (above 40°C/ 104°F) or at
low temperatures (below 0°C/ 32°F). At room temperature, the
display will return to its normal operating condition.
• If the unit has not been used for a long time, set it in the
playback mode to warm it up for a few minutes before you
start using it again.
A-ꢃꢄ .ꢈ-ꢂꢘ6ꢄ BꢙCꢘꢃ
ꢍ#ꢊꢂꢎ $*ꢈꢁ: ꢛꢘ ꢇꢈꢎꢞ+ꢅꢆ ꢝ0 ¯1Cꢆ ꢝ0 ꢀꢊDꢅꢆ ꢝ0 ꢀꢎ¯ꢅꢆ ꢝ0 *ꢈDꢂꢅꢆ 4ꢎ ꢞ)ꢆꢕ *ꢞ#ꢅ ꢝ0 ¯[ꢈDCꢆ
ꢙZjꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ:kB0¯ꢅꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ: !ꢊ: ꢞ/ꢞꢉꢄ, @ꢔ :FM ꢍꢑꢒ5&ꢃ ꢍ-ꢙDꢃꢈꢉ
ST• FM MONO ꢝ0 DX• LOCAL B¯#ꢅꢆ "DPꢆ ꢝ0 .ꢛ)ꢆꢓW3
-!Dꢊf ¯(ꢐ
To im p ro ve b ro a d ca st re ce p t io n C
ꢈ#ꢁꢔ* ꢍf¯[jꢆ 4ꢎ Rꢓ2ꢅꢆ ꢆgW ꢙꢓꢚ/ -ꢍ#ꢁꢔ% n 4ꢎ `ꢊG0 ïꢅꢓf "/¯[ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢈ, ¯+2ꢒ ꢖ
• For FM: Extend the headphones/ earphones cord
(antenna) or adjust DX• LOCAL or ST• FM MONO.
• For AM: Reorient the unit itself.
-ꢇꢓ+ꢅꢆ ꢍꢁGꢓꢒ ꢀꢁꢊ#ꢌꢝ ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢌ ꢛꢘ ꢀꢊ6 ꢛꢘ ¯D(ꢄ/ ꢈ‚ ,ꢍꢅꢓꢗ(, Eꢞ/ꢞƒ @ꢄ/ꢝ ꢆꢞL
ꢍX¯ꢐ ¯D+ꢌ ꢝ0 ꢍ,ꢓꢋ+, ꢖT ꢍꢁ)¯ꢎ ¯ꢁ= ¯D+ꢌ ꢙ0 ꢍꢊ)ꢈ(ꢅꢆ ꢍ/*ꢓꢊDꢅꢆ O¯ꢋꢅꢆ ꢍꢐꢓꢊꢅ 4ꢚp
-ï(8ꢒ ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ EꢈFꢆ ¯ꢁꢁꢂꢄ, @ꢔ :AM ꢍꢑꢒ5&ꢃ ꢍ-ꢙDꢃꢈꢉ
4ꢎ `ꢊG03 Rꢈ8ꢌ*ꢖꢆ $ꢞ/ꢞ[ $*ꢆ¯ꢐ ꢇꢈL*% ꢛꢘ ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢆ ꢞ2G ꢍAꢁ1, ꢈꢗꢁꢘ ꢇꢈꢒꢈꢁDꢅꢆ
ꢍꢐꢓꢅ %ꢓꢋꢌ ,ꢍꢘ¯ꢂꢅꢆ $*ꢆ¯ꢐ ꢍL*% ꢛꢘ -.x˚¯8ꢑ 4ꢎ ꢀꢔ03 Oꢈ8yꢒꢖꢆ $ꢞ/ꢞ[ ꢝ0 .x˚mn
-ꢍꢁꢋꢁD1ꢅꢆ ꢍꢁꢊꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆ ꢈꢗꢄꢅꢈꢐ `ꢅꢆ O¯ꢋꢅꢆ
ꢛꢉ&/ ïX¯ꢌꢆꢝ Rꢈꢉꢄ:ꢖꢆ IPꢝ `ꢊG ï1DPꢆ ,ꢍꢊ/ꢓf ꢍꢁ2ꢎꢕ $¯ꢄ8ꢅ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢆ ꢙꢝ% ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ ꢀa ꢆZT
ꢊꢁꢟꢄꢠꢃꢄ ¯ꢡ ꢕꢈꢎꢢꢄ ꢣꢤ=
Pre se t t in g Ra d io St a t io n s
You can preset up to 40 stations.
For Canada, the U.S.A. and Central/ South America:
30 for FM and 10 for AM.
For other countries: 35 for FM and 5 for AM.
-ꢞ/ꢞL 4ꢎ ïꢅꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢆ ꢀDꢔ >)ꢈꢔ% IJDꢅ
On h e a d p h o n e s/e a rp h o n e s
Ro a d sa fe t y
Do not use headphones/ earphones while driving, cycling, or
operating any motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard
and is illegal in some areas. It can also be potentially dangerous
to play your headphones/ earphones at high volume while
walking, especially at pedestrian crossings.
-ꢍ1&ꢎ mn `ꢅꢆ ꢀ+/ ꢈꢎ ¯8ꢐ !2ꢚp
k`1:ꢓꢅꢆ ꢈꢚ/¯ꢎ0ꢝ ꢍꢁꢚ/¯ꢎjꢆ $ꢞ&ꢄCꢆ ꢇꢈ/ꢖꢓꢅꢆꢝ ꢆꢞ2ꢚꢅ ꢍ++qꢆ ꢇꢏ/%ꢓꢉꢊꢅ
-AM ꢍLꢓꢉꢊꢅ ꢇꢈ1&ꢎ snꢝ FM ꢍLꢓꢉꢊꢅ ꢍ1&ꢎ hn :ꢍꢁ,ꢓ2Yꢆ
ꢇꢈ1&ꢎ tꢝ FM ꢍLꢓꢉꢊꢅ ꢍ1&ꢎ ht :M¯6jꢆ ꢜꢝꢞꢊꢅ ꢍ++qꢆ ꢇꢏ/%ꢓꢉꢊꢅ
-AM ꢍLꢓꢉꢊꢅ
ꢶꢱ9ꢄ ꢕꢈ'ꢈ56ꢷꢸꢲꢁꢃꢄ ꢕꢈ'ꢈ56 .ꢒ=
ꢹꢛꢁꢎꢃꢄ %&' ꢍꢆ>ꢙꢃꢄ
ꢍ/0 ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢌ ꢝ0 ꢍ/*ꢈꢒ ꢍLꢆ*% ꢝ0 $*ꢈꢁ: $%ꢈꢁꢔ <ꢈ2^0 ꢙZjꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ:kB0¯ꢅꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ: ꢀꢉꢋꢄ(ꢌ ꢖ
ꢛꢘ ꢛꢒꢓꢒꢈꢔ ¯ꢁ= ¯ꢎ0 ꢓWꢝ *ꢝ¯Cꢆ ꢍX¯ꢐ `ꢊG ꢆ¯16 ꢀꢚꢃ/ ꢙ0 !ꢅgꢅ 4ꢚp -\¯&ꢎ ꢇꢆZ ꢍDX¯ꢎ
ꢇꢓꢑ Mꢓꢄ(„ ꢙZjꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ:kB0¯ꢅꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ: ¯DG Rꢈꢉꢄ:ꢏꢅ 4ꢚp ꢈꢉX ->fꢈ2Cꢆ Kꢋ,
-$ꢈꢃCꢆ *ꢓDG 4Xꢈꢎ0 ꢞ2G ꢍꢑꢈ6ꢝ ,$*ꢓ16 `ꢊG }ꢓ12/ ꢙ0¯ꢁ(ꢅꢆ <ꢈ2^0 I8ꢌ¯ꢎ
`ꢊG }ꢓ12ꢌ `ꢄꢅꢆ ¯ꢔꢆꢓCꢆ ꢛꢘ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢖꢆ 4G ¯ꢔꢓꢄꢌ ꢝ0 ꢞ/ꢞꢃꢅꢆ *g{ꢆ ꢛ6ꢓꢌ !ꢁꢊG ꢛꢂD2/
-ꢍꢊꢉꢄ&ꢎ $*ꢓ16
You should exercise extreme caution or discontinue use in
potentially hazardous situations.
Pre se t t in g Au t o m a t ica lly Sca n n e d
St a t io n s
¯ꢡ 4>ꢎꢘ67ꢄ ꢍꢤ!ꢥꢒꢉ ꢈ!ꢦꢈꢂ&ꢓ ꢍꢎꢂꢘ&(ꢄ ꢕꢈꢎꢢꢄ ꢣꢤ=
Pre ve n t in g h e a rin g d a m a g e
1 Press FM or AM.
Do not use headphones/ earphones at high volume. Hearing
experts advise against continuous, loud and extended play. If
you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce the volume or
discontinue use.
2 Press ENTER for more than 3 seconds.
Preset number 1 will flash in the display
and the Walkman starts scanning the
stations from the lower frequencies and
stops for about 3 seconds when a station is
ꢌꢄꢁ"ꢮꢉ ꢰ!ꢏꢱꢲ ꢍꢉꢈꢺꢻ ꢼꢚꢈꢤꢓ
-AM ꢝ0 FM *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
Iꢉ(ꢅꢆ <ꢆ¯D6 ¯+2/ -I8ꢌ¯ꢎ ꢇꢓꢑ Mꢓꢄ(„ ꢙZjꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ:kB0¯ꢅꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ: ꢀꢉꢋꢄ(ꢌ ꢖ
@ꢔ ,!ꢁꢒZ0 ꢛꢘ 5ꢒ¯, ꢇ¯ꢋ[ ꢆZT -I8ꢌ¯ꢎ ꢇꢓ+, ꢍꢊꢑꢆꢓꢄꢎ ꢍꢊ/ꢓf ꢇꢆ¯ꢄ8ꢅ Rꢈꢉꢄ:ꢖꢆ xꢞꢋ,
-ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢖꢆ 4G ¯ꢔꢓꢌ ꢝ0 ꢇꢓ+ꢅꢆ Mꢓꢄ(ꢎ Kꢁ8yꢄ,
There is a tactile dot beside VOLUME on the main unit to show the direction to turn up the volume.
** The button has a tactile dot.
ꢔꢕꢒꢖꢃꢄ ꢗꢒꢘꢙꢆ ꢊꢚꢈꢛꢋ ꢜꢈꢝꢄ ꢞ!"ꢒꢘꢃ ꢋꢈ#$ꢄ %&' ꢚꢒꢑꢒ(ꢄ VOLUME ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄ ꢅꢆ ꢇꢁꢂꢃꢈꢉ ꢊꢋꢌꢈꢉ ꢍꢎꢂꢏ ꢐꢑꢒꢓ
ꢔꢊꢋꢌꢈꢉ ꢍꢎꢂꢏ ꢌ)&ꢃ ꢐꢑꢒꢛ **
-ꢙꢆꢓ^ h 4G ꢞ/?ꢌ $ꢞC ENTER *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
ꢛꢘ ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ ꢆgW 0ꢞD/ꢝ O¯ꢋꢅꢆ ꢍꢐꢓꢅ ꢛꢘ s >D(Cꢆ "DJꢅꢆ @ꢔ* Kꢎꢓ/
Rꢏ1ꢄ:ꢖꢆ ꢍꢁꢊꢉG 4G ¯ꢔꢓꢄ/ꢝ ꢀꢔ0 ꢇꢆ%%¯ꢌ 4ꢎ ꢇꢈ1dꢆ Rꢏ1ꢄ:ꢆ
-ꢍ1&ꢎ ꢍ/0 ꢜꢈD#ꢄ:ꢆ ꢞ2G ꢙꢆꢓ^ h $ꢞC
Ca rin g fo r o t h e rs
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This will allow you to hear
outside sounds and to be considerate to the people around you.
ꢅꢛꢁ/ꢽꢃ ꢜꢈ-ꢘꢏ7ꢄ
4C EꢈDꢄꢒꢖꢆꢝ ꢍꢁL*ꢈuꢆ ꢇꢆꢓꢑjꢆ Rꢈꢉ: ꢍꢁꢒꢈꢚꢎT !ꢅZ !ꢅ ¯ꢁꢄ/ -ꢖꢞꢄꢋꢎ ꢇꢓ+ꢅꢆ Mꢓꢄ(„ ¯8ꢄꢐꢆ
On m a in t e n a n ce
-!ꢅꢓꢐ @W
Sp e cifica t io n s
• Frequency range
FM: 87.5 - 108 MHz
AM: 530 - 1 710 kHz (North, Central and South America)
531 - 1 602 kHz (Other countries)
*?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ ,$¯Xꢆgꢅꢆ ꢛꢘ ꢍ1#ꢄꢊCꢆ ꢍ1dꢆ ¯8ꢐ ꢇ%*0 ꢆZT
3 If you wish to preset the received station,
press ENTER while the preset number is
• Clean the tape head and tape path using a cotton swab and
commercially available cleaning solvent after every 10 hours of
Battery life* (approximate hours)
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)** Sony R6P (SR)
->D(Cꢆ "DJꢅꢆ @ꢔ* Kꢁꢎꢝ <ꢈ2^0 ENTER
ꢍꢏꢈ!ꢖꢃꢄ .ꢒ=
ꢛꢘ ꢕꢈꢗYꢆ 0ꢞD/ꢝ s >D(Cꢆ "DJꢅꢆ @ꢔ* ꢛꢘ ꢍ1#ꢄꢊCꢆ ꢍ1dꢆ ¯8ꢐ @ꢄ/
-ꢈꢗꢅꢈD#ꢄ:ꢆ 4ꢚp ꢛꢄꢅꢆ ꢍꢁꢅꢈꢄꢅꢆ ꢍ1dꢆ Rꢏ1ꢄ:ꢆ ꢍꢁꢊꢉG
• To clean the exterior, use a soft cloth slightly moistened in
water. Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinner.
• Clean the headphones/ earphones plugs periodically.
Tape playback
ꢛꢘ ¯ꢘꢓꢄCꢆ ¯ꢁ;2ꢄꢅꢆ ¯/gꢎꢝ ꢍꢁ21ꢔ ꢍ&(‚ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢈ, "/¯ꢃꢅꢆ ¯‚ꢝ "/¯ꢃꢅꢆ B0* ¯ꢁ;2ꢄ, @ꢔ
The received station is preset on preset
number 1 and the unit starts scanning for
the next receivable station.
-ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢖꢆ 4ꢎ ꢇꢈGꢈ: sn ꢀX ꢟꢓ(ꢅꢆ
• Pow er requirements
3V DC, batteries R6 (size AA) × 2
Radio reception 40
ꢀꢉꢋꢄ(ꢌ ꢖ -<ꢈCꢈ, ꢏꢁꢊꢔ ꢍꢊꢊDꢎ ꢍꢉGꢈꢒ †ꢈꢉꢔ ꢍꢋ1ꢔ ꢀꢉꢋꢄ:ꢆ ,ꢛL*ꢈuꢆ ꢀꢚꢁꢗꢅꢆ ¯ꢁ;2ꢄꢅ
4ꢚp ꢛꢄꢅꢆ ꢇꢈ1dꢆ IꢁꢉL ¯8ꢐ @ꢄ/ ꢙ0 `ꢅꢆ
$ꢓ1uꢆ *ꢆ¯ꢚꢄ, @ꢔ
-¯2‡ꢅꢆ ꢝ0 4/?2Dꢅꢆ ꢝ0 ꢜꢓ&ꢚꢅꢆ
* Measured value by the standard of JEITA (Japan Electronics
and Information Technology Industries Association).
(Using a Sony HF series cassette tape)
**When using Sony LR6(SG) “STAMINA” alkaline dry
batteries (produced in Japan).
• Dimensions (w /h/d)
-$¯Xꢆgꢅꢆ ꢛꢘ ꢈꢗꢅꢈD#ꢄ:ꢆ
-ꢍꢉ;ꢄ2ꢎ ꢍ/*ꢝ% ꢇꢆ¯ꢄꢘ `ꢊG ꢙZjꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ:kB0¯ꢅꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ: ꢇꢈ(,ꢈꢔ ¯ꢁ;2ꢄ, @ꢔ
Approx. 91.4 × 115.5 × 37.8 mm (3 5⁄8 × 4 5⁄8 × 1 1⁄2 inches)
excl. projecting parts and controls
4 Repeat step 3 until all receivable stations are
• Mass
4>ꢎꢘ67ꢄ ꢍ!&5' @ꢈꢂꢛ0
Approx. 149 g (5.3 oz) (main unit only)
-¯ꢔꢓꢅꢆ c8ꢒ ꢛꢘ ꢓ/%ꢆ¯ꢅꢆ ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢌ Sꢈ#/T @ꢄ/ -OFF *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
• Supplied accessories
Stereo headphones or Stereo earphones (1)
Carrying case with belt clip or Carrying pouch (1)
To st o p sca n n in g
Press OFF. The radio is turned off at the same time.
• The battery life may be shorter depending on the operating
condition, the surrounding temperature and battery type.
ꢇꢈ1dꢆ !ꢊꢌ ꢜꢆꢞDꢄ:ꢆ @ꢄ/ ,ꢈ#D(ꢎ $¯Xꢆgꢅꢆ ꢛꢘ ꢍaꢓ8dꢆ ꢇꢈ1dꢆ %ꢓLꢝ ꢞ2G
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
-EꢏG0 $*ꢓXgCꢆ ꢍꢁꢊꢉꢋꢅꢆ 4ꢎ <ꢈꢗꢄꢒꢖꢆ ꢞ2G $ꢞ/ꢞL M¯6N,
• If stations are already stored, the newly preset stations
replace the old ones when the above procedure is
ꢈꢛꢧꢐꢛ ꢊꢁꢟꢄꢠꢃꢄ ¯ꢡ ꢕꢈꢎꢢꢄ ꢣꢤ=
ꢵꢕꢈ'ꢈꢙꢃꢈꢉ ¯-ꢛꢁꢂꢘꢃꢄꢴ *ꢍꢛꢌꢈꢎ-ꢃꢄ ꢁ5'
ꢕꢄꢚꢚꢁꢘꢃꢄ .ꢈꢾꢆ
-AM ꢝ0 FM *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
?ꢌ¯Wꢈꢂꢁꢎ snˆ − ˆ‰ꢠt :FM
.ꢍꢁ,ꢓ2Yꢆꢝ `1:ꢓꢅꢆꢝ ꢍꢁꢅꢈꢉꢃꢅꢆ ꢈꢚ/¯ꢎ03 ?ꢌ¯WꢓꢊꢁX s‰sn − thn :AM
.M¯6jꢆ ꢜꢝꢞꢅꢆ3 ?ꢌ¯WꢓꢊꢁX sꢡnꢢ − ths
R6Pꢀ(SR) ¯ꢏꢒ6 ꢍꢛꢌꢈꢎꢉ ¯ꢏꢒ6 ꢅꢆ ꢍꢛꢒ&ꢂꢃꢄ ꢍꢛꢌꢈꢎ-ꢃꢄ
Pre se t t in g St a t io n s Ma n u a lly
-ENTER *?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ
1 Press FM or AM.
ꢢt "/¯ꢃꢅꢆ `ꢅꢆ Rꢈꢉꢄ:ꢖꢆ
mn ꢓ/%ꢆ¯ꢅꢆ ꢜꢈD#ꢄ:ꢆ
-O¯ꢋꢅꢆ ꢍꢐꢓꢅ ꢛꢘ >D(Cꢆ "DJꢅꢆ @ꢔ*ꢝ %%¯ꢄꢅꢆ @ꢔ* Kꢎꢓ/
ꢍꢿꢈꢎꢃꢄ ꢕꢈ-&ꢎꢘꢆ
2 Press ENTER.
ꢢ %ꢞG − .AA Bꢈ#Cꢆ3 R6 ꢍA8ꢅꢆ 4ꢎ ꢇꢈ/*ꢈ1, ,¯[ꢈDꢎ *ꢈꢁꢌ :¯ꢅꢓꢘ h
`ꢊG ꢍ8ꢅꢆꢓCꢈ, @ꢔ ,>D(Cꢆ "DJꢅꢆ @ꢔ*ꢝ %%¯ꢄꢅꢆ @ꢔ* Kꢁꢎꢝ <ꢈ2^0
TUNING +/ – *?ꢅꢆ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢈ, $¯Xꢆgꢅꢆ ꢛꢘ ꢈꢗ;8ꢐ %ꢆ¯Cꢆ ꢍ1dꢆ
-PRESET +/ – *?ꢅꢆ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢈ, >D(Cꢆ "DJꢅꢆ @ꢔ* *ꢈꢁꢄ6ꢈ, @ꢔꢝ
ꢵꢹ5'ꢷ4ꢈꢤꢓꢌꢄꢷꣀꢁ'ꢴ ꢚꢈꢫꢉ9ꢄ
The frequency digits and a preset number
flash in the display.
Japan Electronics and3 JEITA ꢍAꢁꢗꢅꢆ cꢁ/ꢈ#C ꢈ#Df @ꢁ#ꢅꢆ EgW Bꢈꢁꢔ z *
-.Information Technology Industries Association
.-HF ꢍꢊ(ꢊ(ꢅꢆ 4ꢎ ꢛꢒꢓ: ¯ꢁ:ꢈX "/¯[ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢈ,3
@ꢚ&ꢄꢅꢆ ¯ꢁꢌꢈ8ꢎꢝ $ꢕ*ꢈDꢅꢆ <ꢆ?Ljꢆ ꢙꢝꢞ, ꢣ h‰ꢠˆksstꢠtksꢠm ꢛꢅꢆꢓꢐ
3 While the frequency digits and the preset
number are flashing, tune in to a station you
wish to store using TUNING +/ –, and select
a preset number using PRESET +/ –.
."#ꢘ ꢛ(ꢁ)¯ꢅꢆꢕꢈꢗYꢆ3 xꢆ¯L sm ꢛꢅꢆꢓꢐ
ꢛꢒꢓ: ꢕꢆ¯f LR6 (SG) “STAMINA” ꢍ/ꢓꢊ#ꢅꢆ ꢇꢈ/*ꢈ1Dꢅꢆ ꢜꢈꢉꢋꢄ:ꢆ ꢞ2G**
*?ꢅꢆ "ꢂPꢆ ,>D(Cꢆ "DJꢅꢆ @ꢔ*ꢝ %%¯ꢄꢅꢆ @ꢔ* Kꢁꢎꢝ <ꢈ2^0
ꢊꢚꢧ)(ꢄ ꢕꢈ!ꢃꢈ5ꢭꢃꢄ
-.ꢙꢈ,ꢈꢁꢅꢆ ꢤꢈꢄꢒT3
.s3 ꢓ/¯ꢁꢄ(ꢅꢆ ꢙZjꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ: ꢝ0 ꢓ/¯ꢁꢄ(ꢅꢆ B0¯ꢅꢆ ꢇꢈGꢈꢉ:
.s3 ꢀ#2ꢅꢆ cꢁX ꢝ0 xꢆ?{ꢆ !Dꢃ„ %ꢝ?Cꢆ ꢀ#2ꢅꢆ ꢍDꢊG
ꢍ1ꢁdꢆ $*ꢆ¯{ꢆ ꢇꢈL*%ꢝ ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆ Sꢝ¯;ꢅ ꢈ#ꢘꢝ ¯+ꢔ0 ꢙꢓꢚ/ ꢙ0 ꢍ/*ꢈ1Dꢅꢆ ¯ꢉꢋꢅ 4ꢚp
-*ꢈꢋ[T ꢙꢝ% ¯ꢁꢁꢂꢄꢊꢅ ꢍP¯G ꢇꢈ8ꢑꢆꢓCꢆꢝ @ꢁꢉ+ꢄꢅꢆ
-ꢍꢊꢉꢋꢄ(Cꢆ ꢇꢈ/*ꢈ1Dꢅꢆ Rꢓꢒ `ꢅꢆ ꢍꢘꢈP]ꢈ,
4 While the frequency digits and the preset
4ꢎ ꢍꢁꢊꢉꢋꢅꢆ *ꢆ¯ꢚꢄ, @ꢔ ,ꢇꢆ¯[vCꢆ Kꢁꢎꢝ <ꢈ2^0
$ꢓ1uꢆ <ꢈꢗꢒT !2ꢚp @ꢅ ꢆZT
number are flashing, press ENTER.
M¯6N, ꢍ1dꢆ !ꢊꢌ ꢜꢆꢞDꢄ:ꢆ @ꢄ/ ,ꢈ#D(ꢎ $¯Xꢆgꢅꢆ ꢛꢘ ꢍaꢓ8dꢆ ꢍ1dꢆ %ꢓLꢝ ꢞ2G
• If you cannot complete step 3 or 4 while the
indications are flashing, repeat from step 2.
• If a station is already stored, the new station replaces
the old one.
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