Silicon Laboratories Network Card ToolStick Base Adapter User Manual |
ToolStick Base Adapter
1. Handling Recommendations
To enable development, the ToolStick Base Adapter and daughter cards are distributed without any protective
plastics. To prevent damage to the devices and/or the host PC, please take into consideration the following
recommendations when using the ToolStick:
„ Never connect or disconnect a daughter card to or from the ToolStick Base Adapter while the Base Adapter is
connected to a PC.
„ Always connect and disconnect the ToolStick Base Adapter from the PC by holding the large plastic connector.
Figure 1. Proper Method of Holding the ToolStick
„ Avoid directly touching any of the other components.
Figure 2. Improper Method of Holding the ToolStick
„ Manipulate mechanical devices on the daughter cards, such as potentiometers, with care to prevent the Base
Adapter or daughter card from accidentally dislodging from their sockets.
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Copyright © 2006 by Silicon Laboratories
ToolStick Base Adapter
ToolStick Base Adapter
4. Getting Started
The necessary software to download, debug and communicate with the target microcontroller must be downloaded
from The following software is necessary to build a project, download code to, and
communicate with the target microcontroller:
„ Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
„ Keil Demonstration Tools
„ ToolStick Terminal application
The Silicon Laboratories IDE and the Keil Demo Tools are described in more detail in Section 6. ToolStick Terminal
provides data communication functions between the PC and the target microcontroller.
Other useful software that is provided on the ToolStick website includes:
„ Configuration Wizard 2
„ Keil uVision2 and uVision3 Drivers
Configuration Wizard 2 presents device peripheral options in a GUI and simplifies the generation of peripheral
initialization code. The program is configurable to provide the output in C or assembly. The Keil uVision2 and
uVision3 Drivers enable Keil uVision IDEs to debug Silicon Laboratories MCUs.
To simplify the download process, the necessary software described above is provided in two download packages.
The ToolStick package includes the Keil Tools, example code, documentation including User’s Guides and data
sheets, and the ToolStick Terminal application. The IDE, Configuration Wizard 2, and the Keil uVision Drivers are
available as a separate download. After downloading and installing these two packages, see the following sections
for information regarding the ToolStick functionality and how to use the Silicon Laboratories IDE.
5. ToolStick Base Adapter Functions
The ToolStick Base Adapter performs two main functions for the target microcontroller: 1) It provides a debug
interface, and 2) it provides a data communication interface. The Base Adapter can perform only one of these
functions at a time. The Base Adapter does not require any USB drivers to be installed for either of these functions
because it uses standard USB class drivers.
The Base Adapter also provides power to the daughter cards. The yellow LED on the Base Adapter is a power
indicator. If the yellow LED is on, the base adapter is properly connected to the PC and is receiving USB power. If
the LED is off, the base adapter is not properly connected to the PC or the PC is in a suspended state.
5.1. Debug Mode
All of the Silicon Laboratories MCUs have on-chip debugging hardware that allows full, non-intrusive access to the
CPU, peripherals and memory. The Base Adapter provides a USB interface between the Silicon Laboratories IDE
and the on-chip debugging hardware.
The Base Adapter has green and red LEDs that indicate the status of the target microcontroller. If the red LED is
on, the target microcontroller is halted. If the green LED is on, the target microcontroller is running. If neither LED is
on, the Base Adapter is not connected in a debug session with the target microcontroller. If a debug session is not
running and the target microcontroller is powered, it will start to execute its firmware.
5.2. Data Communication Mode
The connection between the Base Adapter and the daughter card includes four pins that are dedicated for data
communication. Two of the pins are the UART pins, TX and RX. The other two pins can be configured as general
purpose input-output (GPIO) pins or as UART hardware handshaking pins, RTS and CTS.
UART configuration/communication and GPIO configuration/access to the target microcontroller is performed
using the Windows program, ToolStick Terminal. See the ToolStick Terminal help file for information on how to use
ToolStick Terminal.
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ToolStick Base Adapter
6. Silicon Laboratories IDE and Keil Demonstration Toolset
The Silicon Laboratories IDE integrates a source-code editor, source-level debugger, and an in-system Flash
programmer. See the User's Guide for the ToolStick daughter card for detailed information on how to use the IDE.
The Keil Demonstration Toolset includes a compiler, linker, and assembler and easily integrates into the IDE. The
use of third-party compilers and assemblers is also supported.
6.1. IDE System Requirements
The Silicon Laboratories IDE requirements:
„ Pentium-class host PC running Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
„ One available USB port.
„ 64 MB RAM and 40 MB free HD space recommended.
6.2. Keil Assembler and Linker
The assembler and linker that are part of the Keil Demonstration Toolset are the same versions that are found in
the full Keil Toolset. The complete assembler and linker reference manual can be found on-line under the Help
menu in the IDE or in the “SiLabs\MCU\hlp” directory (A51.pdf).
6.3. Keil Demonstration C51 C Compiler
The demonstration version of the C51 compiler is the same as the full version except code size is limited to 2 kB
and the floating point library is not included. The C51 compiler reference manual can be found under the Help
menu in the IDE or in the “SiLabs\MCU\hlp” directory (C51.pdf).
6.4. 3rd Party Toolsets
The Silicon Laboratories IDE has native support for many other 8051 compilers. The full list of natively supported
tools is:
„ Keil
„ Raisonance
„ Tasking
„ Hi-Tech
„ Dunfield
All of the example applications provided with the ToolStick package are written for the Keil toolset.
7. Information Locations
If the default installation directory is used for the ToolStick package, all ToolStick related documentation and code is
installed in the “C:\SiLabs\MCU\ToolStick\” directory.
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ToolStick Base Adapter
8. ToolStick Base Adapter Schematic
Rev. 0.1
ToolStick Base Adapter
Silicon Laboratories Inc.
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